In August 2024, we undertook the greatest event feat that involved 26 of our staff travelling all the way down to Dorset via minibus, five nights camping in a tent, and working in all weathers from blistering hot sunshine to torrential downpours. The festival was called "We Out Here" and it included an eclectic variety of live music performances from jazz to drum & bass. The staff we worked alongside were amazing and we also received the best feedback that our events team have ever received before and some of the events staff were so overly proud of themselves it brought tears of joy.
New to 2024, we had events staff work at several Tough Mudder events throughout the UK. Tough Mudder UK organises extreme sporting events involving participants racing through an obstacle course of mud. Our team helped out by working on the water stations to keep the participants hydrated during the event. This is just one of the many little things our staff do to help put smiles on people's faces at these events.
We provided staff for Event Cover Productions to work on Beyonce's gig at the Stadium of Light. The work experience involved building the stage platforms and rigging the sound and lighting equipment ready for the show!
Glastonbury is the biggest music festival in the UK and we had the privilege to support them last summer. Our Events Team really enjoyed working at the festival doing jobs that included welcoming people to the festival, checking tickets and wristbands, and handing out programmes.
We had the pleasure of supporting Leeds Festival in 2022 and 2023. Our events team carried out tasks including working on the accessible viewing platforms, assisting disabled festival-goers and making sure everyone was able to enjoy the festival.
We provided our events services to Download Festival in Donnington Park, Leicestershire. Our Event Staff working in the green campsite, supporting festival-goers with recycling, keeping the campsite tidy and encouraging people to enter a competition.
Bridge Creative
The COSE, 1 Dorset Place, Bishop Auckland, County Durham, DL14 6TH